I know it's going to happen again, it's the inevitability of having good ideas.
I stopped drawing or designing things years ago because someone began to sell clothing with a design I made.
I stopped because it's not fair that I do not have any sort of audience, nobody gives a shit about what I have or am able to make until someone with better reception grabs it for themselves and I am unable to reap any reward from it-- not even the people who love the design I made even bother to follow when I make enough a racket about the theft.
I decided to try and draw again to see if maybe things would change, nobody gives a shit about what I do.
Se pueden ir al carajo.
Stuff like that (sadly) happens all the time.
Don't let that get you down , after all, if someone thinks your work is good enough to steal from it, that means you are doing something good ;)